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Haier Biomedical Assists Vietnam with COVID-19 Vaccine Preservation!
Not long ago, a Vietnamese leading vaccine company had an urgent demand for 32 ULT freezers for the storage of COVID-19 vaccines.
How to get a COVID-19 Vaccine to the Developing World
Vaccine circulation in each country generally passes through three or four levels where different logistical tasks are involved to maintain the “cold chain” low temperature requirements at each step of the journey. 
Vaccines have Arrived, does this mean Life is Back to Normal?
Almost a year after the global outbreak of COVID-19, we finally have received exciting good news, and light at the end of the tunnel. 
Safety Considerations in A Liquid Nitrogen Cryo Preservation Room

Liquid nitrogen (LN2) plays a vital role in the world of assisted reproductive technology, as the go-to cryogenic agent for storing precious biological materials, such as eggs, sperm, and embryos. Offering extremely low temperatures and the ability to maintain cellular integrity, LN2 ensures the long-term preservation of these delicate specimens.

Science and technology lead the new trend of ultra-low temperature preservation

Technology created the ultra-low temperature environment, quality protects the entire environment" - leading the technological innovation of the industry and opening a new era of medical refrigeration

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Haier Biomedical's -150℃ Cryo Freezer Takes Cryopreservation into a New Era and Contributes to the Dual Carbon Goals

Lower Carbon, Smart Refrigeration

Delivery Ceremony of the Global Innovative -150℃ Hydrocarbon IoT Cryogenic Freezer
